The physiological function of most organ systems tends to decline with age, but there is a wide individual variability. According to Ayurveda, no two individuals are the same. It believes that each individual is born with their own unique mind- body type, and deserves individual assessment of problems and offers individually tailored management.
Ayurved terms aging as Vradhhavastha (old age) or Jirna (degeneration), signified by Kshaya (decay). Objective of Ayurveda is to accomplish physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being by adopting preventive, promotive and healing approaches.
In ancient times women belonged to a society which had Ayurved as its health standard. They lived an ayurvedic way of life. They entered in old age as kalaja vridhhavastha (timely aging) and Rajonivritti (menopause) occurring around the age of 50 years passed uneventful.
Ayurveda considers aging Nishpratikriya (changes that cannot be resisted) and Swabhavabal Roga (natural malady). In women it is considered Yapya Vyadhi (palliative) as women are considered Sukumar (delicate).
To relieve women suffering from menopausal problems means to relieve the discomfort and disorder due to hormonal changes and at the same time to ward off degenerative processes of old age or at least to mitigate their effects and slow down their rate of advance.
To understand the rationale of Ayurvedic approach, it is important to understand the problem according to fundamental principles of Ayurveda.
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